SOCORRO2 – 1st general meeting

The 1st general meeting of SOCORRO2, Interreg2Seas project, has successfully taken place on the 7th May. Due to current circumstances related to COVID19, the consortium members have met virtually. We aim that project will run as efficient as our 1st meeting and hope to meet the consortium members in real life in our next meeting.

SOCORRO2 project aims to provide companies with an independent means to assess the corrosion risks in their installations, to increase their awareness to take appropriate preventive actions. To this end, SOCORRO2 team created a simple, rapid, in situ sensor system able to monitor a range of environmental markers over time to determine the risk of corrosion of steel submerged in water, as well as a statistical method to mine these data for an overall corrosion risk estimate.

KU Leuven will perform chemical analysis of the environmental markers in the wastewater samples and an LCA of the full SOCORRO2 concept. The experiments will provide new insight into the components’ structural behaviour that will lead to improvements in the computational modelling of corrosion od steel structure in wastewater.

For further information on the project, please contact us.

Number of partners: 15
Number of observing partners: 32
Coordinator: Antwerp Maritime Academy (AMA)
Duration: 01/03/2020 – 30/09/2022
Budget: 5 449 833 €