SIDEWAVE at BIC’s Match making event

SIDEWAVE has attended BIC’s Match making event which took place on February 13th in Brussels. BIC is a non-profit organisation which represents the private sector in a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) with the European Commission, also known as the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU). This public-private partnership aims to invest € 3.7 billion in bio-based innovation between 2014 and 2020.

Doğa Arslan, Innovation Manager of the SIDEWAVE platform, had a fruitful discussion with 12 BIC members during the match making event. As SideWave, we are interested in the following BBI JU Calls:

  • SO2.R2 — Develop integral fractionation of lignocellulose to produce components for high-value applications
  • SO2.R4 — Extract bioactive compounds from new, under-exploited and/or recalcitrant residual bio-based streams for high-value applications
  • SO1.D1 – Resolve supply-chain hurdles for turning residual waste streams into functional molecules for food and/or non food market applications
  • SO2.D3 — Upscale the production of bio-based platform molecules for larger market applications
  • SO1.F2 — Produce food ingredients with high nutritional value from aquatic sources

Please contact us, if you are looking for a partner in one of these calls.

For further information on the BBI JU calls, please visit:

For further information about BIC: