Doğa Arslan
Innovation Manager
Doğa is an Innovation Manager of the SIDEWAVE platform in the University of Leuven since July 2019. She is actively involved in the valorization of the SIDEWAVE platform’s research lines by collaborating with industrial stakeholders and other research Institutes. Before joining KULeuven, she worked in the Bio Based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU), a private public partnership between the European Bio-based Industry Consorrtium (BIC) and the European Commission, where she gathered solid experiences on the European Bioeconomy from industrial and institutional angles. She obtained her Ph.D. on the conversion of organic waste streams to valuable industrial compounds at the Sub-department of Environmental Technology in Wageningen University in 2014. She has a M.Sc. degree on Bioengineering in Marmara University in Turkey. She has an ample experience on bio-based innovative processes and technologies in research, public and private sectors.